What is diD – Disability Inclusion Discovery?

diD you know you don’t need to make big costly changes to be more inclusive to your workplace or business?

Disability Inclusion Discovery is a program that assists businesses to become more inclusive of people with a disability.

The program has three components that can be delivered together or separately and has three distinct target groups. These include:

Business Owners, CEO’s, Board of Directors

The strategic decision makers that set the culture of the business.

Workplace Disability Inclusion Engagement Strategy.

Benefits of recruiting a person with a disability.

Human Resources Specialists including Human Resources, People and Culture, WHS and Organisational Development

Workplace readiness, auditing the work environment and identifying appropriate roles and positions.


Your team will benefit from engaging a person with a disability and build their awareness and confidence through:

Disability awareness training module.

Inclusive customer service.

Meeting the needs of all your customers makes good sense. Understanding their needs often means customers with a disability return to your business and refer you to others.


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